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Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.


See Thumbs.db.

Windows Vista

See Windows thumbcache

Thumbs.db no longer exists in Vista. This data has been moved to \Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer

Windows Vista will save thumbnails for files on mounted encrypted file systems (except EFS.


KDE and GNOME are popular desktop environments for Linux and UNIX platforms. They are storing thumbnails in \~/.thumbnails.

Example thumbnail in GNOME:

$ hachoir-metadata .thumbnails/normal/0d97afdc637ac86d75d13e72172dc77c.png
- Image width: 128 pixels
- Image height: 122 pixels
- Bits/pixel: 24
- Pixel format: RGB
- Compression rate: 1.6x
- Compression: deflate
- Producer: GNOME::ThumbnailFactory
- Comment: Thumb::Image::Width=779
- Comment: Thumb::Image::Height=744
- Comment: Thumb::URI=file:///media/truecrypt1/123.jpg
- Comment: Thumb::MTime=1216153400
- MIME type: image/png
- Endian: Big endian

GNOME will save thumbnails for files on mounted encrypted filesystems.

Example thumbnail in KDE:

$ hachoir-metadata .thumbnails/normal/2e4bc7bf05bd57e19c6f2a01cf4a8f71.png
- Image width: 96 pixels
- Image height: 128 pixels
- Bits/pixel: 24
- Pixel format: RGB
- Compression rate: 1.6x
- Compression: deflate
- Producer: KDE Thumbnail Generator
- Comment: Thumb::MTime=1236952299
- Comment: Thumb::Mimetype=image/jpeg
- Comment: Thumb::Size=827837
- Comment: Thumb::URI=file:///home/fuf/10032009(002).jpg
- MIME type: image/png
- Endian: Big endian