Serial port monitoring
Serial Port Monitoring
Examiners should be aware how all the tools on the market work. It is crucial not to change the evidence that may reside on a cell phone, PDA, or other small scale digital device. Forensic examinations on cell phones are currently not possible if used with a USB write blocker like in computer forensics. How do examiners know the evidence is not being changed when "forensic" tools are used to extract the data from a cell phone.
A step in the right direction is to monitor the data being transferred in between the phone and the forensic workstation. Most of the devices make use of a USB cord to transfer the data. It would be advised to monitor that port to see what commands the workstation is asking the cell phone to execute. A serial port monitor would be able to independently monitor the data transferred.
Cell phone manufacturers use different command languages to communicate with the cell phone. Three of the most common types of commands are AT Commaands, Obex, and Jtag. By using a serial port monitor it may be able to see what commands the "forensic tool" is sending to the cell phone to execute. It can also be used to see if the tool automatically filters out any information that the examiner might actually need for the investigation.
Tools Here are some tools used to monitor the data transfer between COM devices.