Security onion
Security Onion is a distribution of Linux which comes with several forensic, IDS, and NSM tools pre-installed. Although Security Onion is mainly intended for IDS and NSM, it does provide a useful platform for performing forensics, as it comes with many forensics tools installed.
The image can be downloaded at:
List of Installed Tools
The following is the list of tools included on the Security Onion distro, as listed at
- abcip
- argus
- barnyard2
- bittwist
- Bro
- chaosreader
- Daemonlogger
- driftnet
- dsniff
- Dumbpig
- fwsnort
- Hogger
- hping
- httpry
- hunt
- inundator
- labrea
- mergecap
- ncat
- netsed
- netsniff-ng
- NetworkMiner
- nftracker
- ngrep
- nmap
- oinkmaster
- ostinato
- p0f
- pcapcat
- ptunnel
- Reassembler
- scapy
- sguil
- Sniffit
- Snorby
- Snort
- SnortValidator
- Squert
- ssldump
- sslsniff
- Suricata
- tcpdump
- tcpick
- tcpreplay
- tcpslice
- tcpstat
- tcpxtract
- traceroute-circl
- tshark
- u2boat
- u2spewfoo
- udptunnel
- Vortex
- Wireshark
- xpipes
- Xplico
- xprobe2
- Zenmap