Sean peisert
Sean Peisert is jointly appointed as an assistant adjunct professor at UC Davis and a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he does research in computer security. He is particularly interested in computer forensic analysis, intrusion detection, vulnerability analysis, security policy modeling, electronic voting, and empirical studies of security.
Peisert received his Ph.D., Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He was a 2007–2008 I3P Fellow and consults a bit. Previously, he was a postdoc at UC Davis, was a postdoc and lecturer in the Computer Science and Engineering department at UCSD, was a computer security researcher at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), and co-founded a software company.
Peisert's home page is
He gave the keynote address at IEEE/SADFE-2008 and was Program Committee Co-Chair of IEEE/SADFE-2009. His interests in forensics also extend to e-voting forensics as well.
On the MediaWiki version of Forensics Wiki, Peisert was speisert.