Logfile analysis
Log files are used to maintain a record of activities, e.g. activities of the operating system, certain applications, etc.
Log files come in various formats, in general these formats can be divided in the following categories:
- Binary formats
- Text-based formats
- in-database
Binary formats
Text-based formats
From Microsoft, claims to parse a variety of log files, including XML and CSV, as well as Windows Event Log, Registry, and Active Directory
Also see: Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit, by Gabriele Giuseppini, Mark Burnett, ISBN: 1-93226-652-6
From Logpresso, claims to parse a variety of log files, including CSV, JSON, XML, CEF, LEEF, and WELF, as well as Windows Event Log, Registry
Web Logfile Analytics
Web logfile analytics software can process a log file and print a report. Normally this software is used by organizations that host the website. It can also be used for analysis of webserver logfiles.
New "clicks heatmap" shows where people are clicking on your website; depends on JavaScript. (on the other hand, doesn't need access to your logfiles)
"Free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically."
Java reporting tool.
"An open source web analytics framework written in PHP."
"Uses open source tools to collect and distribute web analytics data."