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Log2timeline has been superseded by Plaso.

Log2timeline is designed as a framework for artifact timeline creation and analysis. The main purpose is to provide a single tool to parse various log files and artifacts found on suspect systems (and supporting systems, such as network equipment) and produce a body file that can be used to create a timeline, using tools such as mactime from TSK, for forensic investigators.

The tool is written in Perl for Linux but has been tested using Mac OS X (10.5.7 and 10.5.8). Parts of it should work natively in Windows as well (with ActiveState Perl installed).


Log2timeline takes a log file (or a directory) and parses it to produce a body file that can be imported into other tools for timeline analysis. The tool has both a modular based approach to the input file as well as the output file. The default behavior of the current version is to export the timeline in a body format readable by TSK's (The Sleuth Kit) mactime (although this can be easily changed). Log2timeline is build as a series of scripts, this one being the front-end, which uses other scripts to actually parse the log files (called modules). The tool is build to be easily extended for anyone that wants to create a new module.

The tool contains (current version of 0.51 nightly build (20102608)) three front-ends:

  • log2timeline - The main front-end. A tool capable of parsing a single log file/directory pointed to the tool using a selected input module.
  • timescanner - A recursive front-end capable of parsing a directory passed to the tool and recursively go through each and every file/dir and try to parse it with every or selected input modules (to provide an automatic method of creating a super timeline).
  • glog2timeline - A simple GUI front-end, with similar capabilities as log2timeline (the main front-end)

Currently Supported Input Modules

The currently supported input modules (as of version 0.51 nightly build (20102608)) are:

  • apache2_access - Parse the content of a Apache2 access log file
  • apache2_error - Parse the content of a Apache2 error log file
  • chrome - Parse the content of a Chrome history file
  • evt - Parse the content of a Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Event Log file
  • evtx - Parse the content of a Windows XML Event Log (evtx) file
  • exif - Extract metadata information from files using ExifTool
  • ff_bookmark - Parse the content of a Firefox bookmark file
  • firefox2 - Parse the content of a Firefox 2 browser history
  • firefox3 - Parse the content of a Firefox 3 history file
  • iehistory - Parse the content of an index.dat file containg IE history
  • iis - Parse the content of a IIS W3C log file
  • isatxt - Parse the content of a ISA text export log file
  • mactime - Parse the content of a body file in the mactime format
  • mcafee - Parse the content of a log file
  • opera - Parse the content of an Opera's global history file
  • oxml - Parse the content of an OpenXML document (Office 2007 documents)
  • pcap - Parse the content of a PCAP file
  • pdf - Parse some of the available PDF document metadata
  • prefetch - Parse the content of the Prefetch directory
  • recycler - Parse the content of the recycle bin directory
  • restore - Parse the content of the restore point directory
  • setupapi - Parse the content of the SetupAPI log file in Windows XP
  • sol - Parse the content of a .sol (LSO) or a Flash cookie file
  • squid - Parse the content of a Squid access log (http_emulate off)
  • syslog - Parse the content of a Linux Syslog log file
  • tln - Parse the content of a body file in the TLN format
  • userassist - Parses the NTUSER.DAT registry file
  • volatility - Parse the content of a Volatility output files (psscan2, sockscan2, ...)
  • win_link - Parse the content of a Windows shortcut file (or a link file)
  • wmiprov - Parse the content of the wmiprov log file
  • xpfirewall - Parse the content of a XP Firewall log

Currently Supported Output Modules

The currently supported output modules (as of version 0.51 nightly build (20102608)) are:

  • beedocs - Output timeline using tab-delimited file to import into BeeDocs
  • cef - Output timeline using the ArcSight Commen Event Format (CEF)
  • cftl - Output timeline in a XML format that can be read by CFTL
  • csv - Output timeline using CSV (Comma Separated Value) file
  • mactime - Output timeline using mactime format
  • mactime_l - Output timeline using legacy version of the mactime format (version 1.x and 2.x)
  • simile - Output timeline in a XML format that can be read by a SIMILE widget
  • sqlite - Output timeline into a SQLite database
  • tab - Output timeline using TDV (Tab Delimited Value) file
  • tln - Output timeline using H. Carvey's TLN format
  • tlnx - Output timeline using H. Carvey's TLN format in XML

See Also